Hegumen Menassa Youhanna (1899–1930)
By Fr Matthew Attia, General Vicar of the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions.

Reverend Father Menassa Youhanna was one of the most popular priests responsible for the revival in the Coptic Church in the first half of this century. Born in August, 1899 in Mallawi in Upper Egypt, Menassa joined the newly reopened Theological College in Cairo at the age of sixteen in 1915. The Dean of the College, Youssef Bek Mankarious, hesitated to accept him because of his young age, fearing that the course of study would be too difficult for him.
Menassa progressed well in his Theological studies and was an excellent example to his colleagues in character, wisdom and deep thinking.
In the last year of his studies, Menassa was called to preach in the Cathedral of Saint Mark in Cairo. The people admired the preaching style of this young man. When he graduated from the Theological College, he was appointed a Preacher in the church of Mallawi. The people were unaccustomed to hear a 21 year old man. However, they were impressed by his pious character.
On January 25, 1925, Menassa was ordained a priest in the Church of Mallawi on the recommendation of the people. The day of his ordination was one of celebration amongst the various denominations in Mallawi.
Father Menassa was very active in all aspects of the spiritual and pastoral services. He conducted regular conferences for his colleagues, the priests in the neighbouring towns in the order to improve the quality of their services. He gave particular attention to preaching the Word of God which made the people ever eager and receptive to the Word of God.
In addition to his many responsibilities, Father Menassa allocated time to writing and publishing books and magazines. He was the editor of a magazine entitled: al-Fardūs (Paradise). His books included:
- The Way to Heaven.
- The Crucified Jesus.
- The Sun of Righteousness.
- A Guide to the Bible.
- Saint John Chrysostom.
- History of the Spread of Christianity.
- The Life of Adam.
- The Vial of Precious Perfume.
- The Complete Evidence for the True Faith by Saint Athanasius.
- The Influence of Christianity.
However, Father Menassa’s most famous and scholarly work is the History of the Coptic Church. This valuable book, filled a huge vacuum as it narrated the entire history of the Church from the coming of Christ to Egypt to the early twentieth century. On Friday May 16, 1930, Father Menassa mentioned to visitors in his house, that he was going to depart that night and he requested that they would pray over his body in his beloved church and bury him in his town of Mallawi. On the morning of May 17, 1930, the people learned that the blessed man had passed away as he foretold; at the very young age of 30.
Although Father Menassa lived a short time, his edifying preaching books, articles, services have remained for generations. Father Menassa served for five years as a deacon and then as priest for the other five years. A very short yet very fruitful life. He was a priest, preacher, author and historian. He was like a flame in spreading the Word of God and witnessing for His glorious Name.
How to cite this text (Chicago/Turabian):
Attia, Matthew. “Reverend Father Menassa Youhanna.” In Archive of Contemporary Coptic Orthodox Theology. Sydney, NSW: St Cyril’s Coptic Orthodox Theological College, 2020. https://accot.stcyrils.edu.au/article-fr-menassa-youhanna-fr-matthew-attia/.
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