Bishop Gregorius

Bishop Gregorius (Oct 13, 1919–Oct 22, 2001) was the first and only General Bishop for Higher Theological Studies, Coptic Culture and Scientific Research. He was born Wahib ‘Atalla Girgis in Aswan in 1919. He received a Bachelor’s degree from the Clerical College (May 1939). He continued to study the humanities at the University of Cairo, earning a Licenciate in Philosophy (July 1944) and a Diploma of Egyptian Antiquities (June 1951). Finally, he undertook a PhD in Egyptology and Coptic Studies at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom (1952–1955) with a thesis entitled “Greek Words in Coptic Usage”. His broad learning in the humanities is on display in his early contributions to the Sunday School Magazine. He became a monk of Dayr al-Muharraq in 1962, becoming Bakhoum al-Muharraqi. Pope Kyrillos VI ordained him General Bishop for Higher Theological Studies, Coptic Culture and Scientific Research in 1967.
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A. Works
Bishop Gregorius’ written legacy is enormous, on a par with those of Pope Shenouda III and Fr Matta al-Miskin. If you can supply any works that are missing, especially letters or voice recordings, please contact us. A bibliography is currently being compiled and will be uploaded soon.
The most important collection of Bishop Gregorius’ written works, including previously unpublished primary sources, is Monier Ateya’s Mawsū‘at al-Anba Ghrīghūryūs, most of which can be downloaded here or on Coptic Treasures.
B. Further Reading
Casey, John. After Lives: A Guide to Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, Oxford University Press, 2009 (on pages 369–399).
Guirguis, M. & van Doorn-Harder, N. The Emergence of the Modern Coptic Papacy. The Popes of Egypt: A History of the Coptic Church and Its Patriarchs, Volume 3. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2011.
Hasan, S. S. Christians versus Muslims in Modern Egypt: The Century-Long Struggle for Coptic Equality, Oxford University Press, 2003 (pages 86, 88, 89, 111, 159, 205, 226–27, 246).
Connections: Pope Kyrillos VI (1902–1971) | Pope Shenouda III (1923–2012) | Fr Matthew the Poor (1919–2006)