Bishop Youannis
of Gharbia

Bishop Youannis (25 Oct 1923 – 4 Nov 1987) was bishop of the diocese of Gharbia in the north of Egypt. His secular name was Ramzy Azouz, and he was born in Shubra in 1923. He participated in the Sunday School movement as a young servant. As a bishop, he was a prolific author of spiritual and dogmatic works, including a classic of contemporary Coptic spirituality The Paradise of the Spirit [Bustān al-Rūḥ], published by the press established by Met. Athanasius of Beni Suef. [1]See Maged Kamel, “Bishop Athanasius (1919–2000), the Late Bishop of Beni Suef,” Archive of Contemporary Coptic Orthodox Theology. Sydney, NSW: St Cyril’s Coptic Orthodox Theological College, 2020.
For a full biography, see Maged Kamel’s profile: Bishop Youannis (1923–1987): Bishop of Gharbiyya and Church Historian.
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Bishop Youannis (although proficient in English) wrote exclusively in Arabic. A number of his books have been translated into English. This list was compiled by Maged Kamel in his article on Bishop Youannis’ life
A. Arabic Works
Articles in the Sunday School Magazine
As Ramzy Azouz:
“Saint Anba Sarabamoun” (July 1953).
“Paul the Simple” (August 1953).
“Ibrahim al-Gouhari” (September 1953).
“St Arsanius the Great” (October/November 1953).
“St Hilarion” (February 1954).
St Gregory the Wonderworker” (June/July 1954).
As Shenouda al-Suryani:
“The Entry into Jerusalem” (April 1960).
“The Greatness of Fasting” (October/November 1962).
“How Should I Fast?” (February/March 1963).
Books Published During His Lifetime (as Bishop Youannis)
- The Paradise of the Spirit [Bustān al-rūḥ], vol. 1 (1960).
- The Paradise of the Spirit [Bustān al-rūḥ], vol. 2 (1963).
- The Paradise of the Spirit [Bustān al-rūḥ], vol. 3 (1985).
- Martyrdom in Christianity [al-Istishhād fī al-masīḥiyya], (1969).
- The Christian Church in the Apostolic Age [al-Kanīsa al-masīḥiyya fī ‘aṣr al-rusul], (1971).
- Heaven [al-Samā’], (1978).
- Our Holy Faith [Imān-nā al-’āqdas], (1979).
- Our Holy Bible and our Holy Christ [Kitābnā al-muqaddas wa Masīḥ-nā al-quddūs], (1980).
- Our Christ Above Time [Masīḥ-nā fawq al-zamān], (1981).
- Landmarks on the Road to God [Ma‘ālim al-ṭarīq ilā Allah], (1984).
- Christianity and the Cross [al-Masīḥiyya wa-l-ṣalīb], (1985).
- The Christian Doctrine of Christ [‘Aqīdat al-masīḥiyyīn fī al-Masīḥ] (1985).
- Fragrant Flowers from the Lives of the Saints [Bāqāt al-‘aṭira min siyar al-’ābrār], (1985).
- Christianity and Suffering [al-Masīḥiyya wa-l-’ālam], (1986).
- Church Worship: Its Role and Spirituality [al-‘ibāda fī al-kanīsat-nā: dāllāt-hā wa rūḥāniyyat-hā], (1987).
- On the Commemoration of the Martyrs of Christianity [Fī dhikrā shuhadā’ al-masīḥiyya], (1971).
- Israel: Its Truth and Future [Isrā’īl: ḥaqīqat-hā wa mustaqbal-hā], (1973).
Books Published Posthumously
- The Great Preacher St Paul the Apostle [al-Kārūz al-‘aẓīm al-qiddīs Būlus al-rasūl], (1988).
- Lectures on Christian Monasticism [Muḥaḍrāt fī al-rahbana al-masīḥiyya].
- Lectures on the Ecumenical Councils [Muḥaḍrāt ‘an al-majāmi‘ al-maskūniyya].
- The History of the Coptic Church after the Council of Chalcedon [Tārīkh al-kanīsa al-Qibṭiyya ba‘d majma‘ Khalqidūniya].
- Meditations on the Song of Songs [Ta’āmulāt fī sifr nashīd al-anāshīd].
- How Can a Christian Live in Society while Keeping the Teachings of the Lord Christ? [Kayf yu-‘āyish al-masīḥī al-mujtama‘ muḥtafẓān bi-ta‘ālīm al-sayyid al-Masīḥ].
- Good Family Life [al-Ḥayāa al-usriyya al-salīma].
- St Paul the Apostle: The Zealous Servant [al-Qiddīs Būlus al-rasūl: al-khādim al-ghuyūr].
- Meditations on the Acts of the Apostles [Ta’āmulāt fī sifr ā‘māl al-rusul].
- The Dawn of Christianity and the Pure Blood [Fajr al-masīḥiyya wa-l-dimā’ al-dhakiyya].
- St Basil the Great [al-Qiddīs Bāsīlyūs al-kabīr].
- A Series of Mediations on: the Glorious Feast of the Nativity; the Feast of Epiphany; the Holy Fast; the Glorious Feast of the Resurrection; the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit.
- The Sins of the Past Year are Lessons for the New Year [Akhṭā’ al-‘ām al-māḍī hiyya durūs li-l-‘ām al-jadīd].
- Our Lady the Virgin: Mother of All the Saints [al-Sayyidat al-‘adhrā’: Umm jamī‘ al-qiddīsīn].
- The Influence of St Paul the Apostle on the Christian Church [Athar al-qiddīs Būlus al-rasūl fī al-kanīsat al-masīḥiyya].
B. Translated Works
Youannis, Bishop of Gharbia. Heaven: An Orthdox Christian Perspective. Edited by Fr John Paul Abdelsayed. Translated by Margarite Rafla. St Mary and St Moses Abbey, 2019. (Amazon)
Youanis, His Grace Bishop. The History of the Coptic Church After Chalcedon (451–1300 AD). Putty, NSW: St Shenouda Press, 2018. (Amazon)
The Christian Living Series published by St Shenouda’s Monastery is a partial, edited translation of Bishop Youannis’ most celebrated work, Bustān al-rūḥ.
Youanis, His Grace Bishop. Sacramental Life. Christian Living Series, Vol. 1. Putty, NSW: St Shenouda’s Monastery, 2012. (Amazon)
— Spiritual Concepts. Christian Living Series, Vol. 2. Putty, NSW: St Shenouda’s Monastery, 2012. (Amazon)
— Christian Virtues. Christian Living Series, Vol. 3. Putty, NSW: St Shenouda’s Monastery, 2013. (Amazon)
— Spiritual Nourishment. Christian Living Series, Vol. 4. Putty, NSW: St Shenouda’s Monastery, 2014. (Amazon)
C. Further Reading
Kamel, Maged. “Anba Youannis: Late Bishop of Gharbia and Great Church Historian.” [al-Ānbā Yū’ānnis: usquf al-Gharbiyya al-mutanayyaḥ wa-l-mū’arrikh al-kanasī al-kabīr]. Copts United, November 3, 2016.
Kamel, Maged. “Bishop Youannis (1923–1987): Bishop of Gharbiyya and Church Historian.” Copts United. Translated inArchive of Contemporary Coptic Orthodox Theology. Sydney, NSW: St Cyril’s Coptic Orthodox Theological College, 2020.
190+ Sermons by Bishop Youannis (YouTube)
↑1 | See Maged Kamel, “Bishop Athanasius (1919–2000), the Late Bishop of Beni Suef,” Archive of Contemporary Coptic Orthodox Theology. Sydney, NSW: St Cyril’s Coptic Orthodox Theological College, 2020. |
Connections: Pope Shenouda III (1923–2012)