Fr Manqaryus Awadalla (1913–2009) was a lecturer in ritual and liturgical theology at the Clerical College and author of a classic work of Coptic liturgical theology, The Lamp of the Holy Places (Manārat al-Aqdās).
Fr Manqaryus Awadalla

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A. Works written or edited by Fr Manquryus Awadalla
The Lamp of the Holy Places, Illuminating the Rites of the Church and the Liturgy [Manārat al-aqdās fī sharḥ ṭuqūs al-kanīsa wa-l-quddās]. 5 vols. al-Sakakini: al-Matba‘a al-Tajariyya al-Haditha, 1947–1972. (All five volumes are available on
(editor) Some Treatises of Bishop Bulus al-Bushi [Muqālāt al-ānbā Būlūs al-Būshī]. 2nd edn. Ta‘alim al-kanisa/Makhtutat al-Aba’, 1972.
B. Further Reading
Bishop Gregorius. Biography of Bishop Gregorius. Volume 3: From the Council of Five to His Departure, edited by Monier Ateya Shehata. Cairo: Sharikat al-taba‘a al-masriyya, 2005: 340–341.
Kamel, Maged. “Hegumen Manqaryus Awadalla: Author of The Lamp of the Holy Places, Illuminating the Rites of the Church and the Liturgy” [al-Qummus Manqaryūs ‘Awadalla: ṣāḥib mawsū‘at Manārat al-’āqdās fī sharḥ al-ṭuqūs al-kanasiyya wa-l-quddās]. Copts United, December 24, 2019.
Connections: Bishop Gregorius (1919–2001)