Fr Menassa Youhanna

Fr Menassa Youhanna (1899–1930) was a church historian and spiritual writer from Mallawi who participated in the educational and theological revival of the Coptic Church in the early 20th century. At the unusually young age of 16, he entered the newly established Coptic Clerical College in 1915, when the college was under the direction of its first Dean, Yousef Bek Manqaryus. [1]Fr Matthew Attia, “Reverend Father Menassa Youhanna,” in Archive of Contemporary Coptic Orthodox Theology (Sydney, NSW: St Cyril’s Coptic Orthodox Theological College, 2020), In addition to several books on theology, spirituality and church history, Fr Menassa published a magazine called Paradise (al-Firdūs).
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A. Works
In English Translation
- Youhanna, Manasseh. The Crucified Jesus. Putty, NSW: St Shenouda Press, 2012. (Amazon)
In Arabic
- The Crucified Jesus [Yasū‘ al-maslūb].
- The Life of Adam [Ḥayāt Ādam].
- The Way to Heaven.
- The Sun of Righteousness [Shams al-birr].
- A Guide to the Bible.
- Saint John Chrysostom.
- History of the Spread of Christianity.
- The Vial of Precious Perfume.
- The Complete Evidence for the True Faith by Saint Athanasius.
- The Influence of Christianity.
B. Further Reading
Attia, Matthew. “Reverend Father Menassa Youhanna.” In Archive of Contemporary Coptic Orthodox Theology. Sydney, NSW: St Cyril’s Coptic Orthodox Theological College, 2020.
Girgis, Habib. The Clerical College: Past and Present. 1893–1938 [al-Madrasa al-iklīrīkiyya al-Qibṭiyya al-Urthūdhuksiyya bayn al-māḍī wa-l-ḥāḍir. 1893–1938]. al-Sakakini: al-Matba‘a al-Tajariyya al-Haditha, 1938. (page 279).
↑1 | Fr Matthew Attia, “Reverend Father Menassa Youhanna,” in Archive of Contemporary Coptic Orthodox Theology (Sydney, NSW: St Cyril’s Coptic Orthodox Theological College, 2020), |
Affiliation(s): Clerical College | Mallawi
Categories: church historians | spiritual writers