Wahib Kozman

Wahib Helmy Kozman Bulus (1931–July, 2021) was a patristics scholar, liturgical theologian and scholar of the Orthodox Centre for Patristic Studies founded by Dr Noshy Abdelshahid.
He was one of a number of students whom Dr Noshy Abdelshahid sent to Greece to earn postgraduate degrees in Orthodox theology. Kozman earned a Bachelor of Theology from the University of Athens in 1985, followed by a PhD in theology at Durham University in England, from which he graduated in 1992. His doctoral thesis, supervised by the Very Rev. George D. Dragas, was titled “St Athanasius of Alexandria’s Doctrine of Grace,” which was published in Arabic in 1993.[1]Wahib Kozman Bulus, al-Na‘ma ‘ind al-Qiddīs Athanāsyūs al-Rasūlī, 2nd edn. (Good Shepherd Group, 2010)..
He lived a celibate life in Alexandria, where he was discipled by Fr Bishoy Kamel and also mentored younger servants. He remained an active contributor to the conferences and publications of the Patristic Centre throughout his life.[2]Announcement from al-Markaz al-Urthūdhuksī li-l-Dirāsāt al-Abā’iyya bi-l-Qāhira, “Doctor Wahib Kozman Bulus,” July 23 2021, Facebook.com
He departed peacefully in July 2021 at the age of 90.
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Works (partial list)
“St Athanasius of Alexandria’s Doctrine of Grace.” PhD dissertation. Durham University, 1992.
Grace according to St Athanasius the Apostolic [al-Na‘ma ‘ind al-qiddīs Athanāsyūs al-rasūlī]. 2nd edition. Orthodox Centre for Patristic Studies in Cairo, Patristic Studies 34. Good Shepherd Group, 2010.
The Holy Liturgy: A Glimpse of Eternity [al-Quddās al-Ilahī: lamḥa min al-abadiyya]. Ṣawṭ al-Rā‘ī, 2015.
Our Unity with Christ [Ittiḥādnā bi-l-Masīḥ]. 2nd edition. Sporting, Alexandria: Sawṭ al-Rā‘ī/Church of St George, 2017.
The Incarnation of the Only-Begotten Son for Our Sake [Tajassud al-Ibn al-waḥīd li-ajlinā]. Sporting, Alexandria: Sawṭ al-Rā‘ī/Church of St George, 2017.
- Lectures by Dr Wahib Kozman (ِArabic, Patristic Cairo, YouTube)
↑1 | Wahib Kozman Bulus, al-Na‘ma ‘ind al-Qiddīs Athanāsyūs al-Rasūlī, 2nd edn. (Good Shepherd Group, 2010). |
↑2 | Announcement from al-Markaz al-Urthūdhuksī li-l-Dirāsāt al-Abā’iyya bi-l-Qāhira, “Doctor Wahib Kozman Bulus,” July 23 2021, Facebook.com |
Connections: Dr Noshy Abdelshahid (1931–) | Fr Bishoy Kamel (1931–1979)