Fr Luka Sidarous

The world is desperately in need of the word of the Lord which has become rare these days. The word that enriches, satisfies, raises the dead, and opens the eyes of the blind. Yes, of course. Of course! The Gospel is this way. The true Gospel is this way.
(A sermon delivered July 28, 2019)
Fr Luka Sidarous (1940–2020) was a priest and spiritual writer who served alongside Fr Bishoy Kamel and Fr Tadros Yacoub Malaty at the famous church of St George in Sporting, Alexandria.
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A. Works
Coming soon
Sidarous, Luke (Hegumen). The Fragrance of Christ in the Life of Contemporary Righteous Individuals. 3 vols. Inglewood, CA: Mina Printing, 2004.
Sidarous, Louka (Hegumen). Memoirs of My Imprisonment. Sporting, Alexandria: St George Coptic Orthodox Church, 2020.
B. Further Reading
Watson, John H. “The Transfigured Cross: A Study of Fr Bishoy Kamel (6 December 1931–21 March 1979)” Coptic Church Review 23, nos. 1 & 2 (2002). (PDF)
Connections: Fr Bishoy Kamel (1931–1979) | Fr Tadros Y. Malaty (1937–) | Sadiq Rofail (1899–1969)