From the late nineteenth century onwards, the Coptic Church experienced an unprecedented boom of literary activity. Magazines, newsletters and periodicals were cheap to produce and played a crucial role in the renaissance of Coptic theology and culture.

This page lists and provides basic information on theologically significant Coptic periodicals that can be accessed online, on ACCOT and/or Coptic Treasures. For a more comprehensive overview of the many Coptic periodicals of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, see Mirrit Boutros Ghali’s appendix (“Minor Organs”) to the entry on “Coptic Press” in the Claremont Coptic Encyclopedia. If any articles from a periodical are translated on ACCOT, it will be accompanied by a “View Translations” button.

They are arranged below by year of publication of their first volume, relying either on the available digital copies or on Boutros Ghali’s catalogue mentioned above. Question marks indicate that the year is uncertain. If you have issues of hard-to-find Coptic periodicals (in English or Arabic) that could be made available online, please contact us.

Zion 31.1 tut 1641 (sep 1924)

Zion (Ṣihyūn) (1893–1927?)

First Issue: 1893?
A periodical produced by the prolific, controversial abbot of Dayr al-Baramous, Bishop Isidorus (1867–1942). Digital copies of some issues can be downloaded on Coptic Treasures. Contact us to request a translation of an article from Zion.

Al haqq 5.1 1898

Truth (al-Ḥaqq) (1894–1910)

First Issue: April 28, 1894

A weekly magazine produced by Yusuf Manqaryus, the first dean of the Clerical College. Digital copies of nearly all issues can be downloaded from Coptic Treasures.

Heliopolis logo (transparent)

Heliopolis (‘Ayn Shams) (1900–1904)

First Issue: September 11, 1900

The first ever Coptic language magazine, established by the father of modern Coptology Claudius Labib (1868–1918). Digital copies of most issues can be accessed on Coptic Treasures.

Al karma logo

The Vine (al-Karma) (1904–1930)

First Issue: September 1904

A religious magazine produced by then Deacon (and later Archdeacon) Habib Girgis (1876–1951) as part of his work at the Clerical College. A large number of issues can be accessed on Coptic Treasures.

Coptic magazine letterhead (transparent)

The Coptic Magazine (al-Majalla al-Qibṭiyya) (1907–1930)

First Issue: April 7, 1907

Produced by the historian Girgis Philothawus Awad (1867–1954). Digital copies of early volumes can be accessed on Coptic Treasures. However a significant number of the later issues are still unavailable online. If you can supply any issues from 1909 or later, please contact us.

Harbour of salvation 3.2 oct 1929 (just logo)

The Harbour of Salvation (Mīnā’ al-Khalāṣ) (1928–?)

First Issue: February 1928

A monthly periodical produced exclusively by Fr Mina al-Baramousi (Pope Kyrillos VI).


Wisdom (al-Ḥikma) (1937–1940?)

First Issue: September 11, 1937

Digital copies of most issues can be accessed on Coptic Treasures.

1(1) apr 1947 cocer copy

The Sunday School Magazine (Majalla Madāris al-Aḥad)

First Issue: April 1947

One of the most influential Coptic publications of the 20th century, this magazine featured early writings from many important figures like Nazir Gayed (Pope Shenouda III) and Iris Habib Elmasry.
Most issues can be downloaded from their official website.

Keraza cover

al-Kiraza (1965–present)

First Issue: January 1965

The official magazine of the Coptic Clerical College. It was founded in 1965 and initially edited by Bishop (later Pope) Shenouda, General Bishop of Education. After he became Pope, al-Keraza grew in importance as one of the most significant Coptic publications. Most older issues can be downloaded from Coptic Treasures, while more recent issues are available on the magazine’s official website. A small portion of issues from the 2000s were translated from Arabic and can be accessed here. In 1991, the Clerical College launched a parallel, English edition of — El Keraza — which is currently not available online.

Coptic church review cover

Coptic Church Review (1980–2006)

First Issue: Spring 1980

The Coptic Church Review was an English-language academic journal on Coptic Orthodox theology and culture, founded and edited by the late Dr Rodolph Yanney (1930–2010). The entire run of the journal is available online at the Coptic Church Review’s official website, along with Yanney’s Arabic-language journal, Resalah. Some individual articles have been incorporated into ACCOT’s database and appear in search results.